I had high hopes for me Service Learning Project but while going through a lot in my personal life and a lack of communication from the school after many emails I was never able to Implement it properly, I had written out letters to be given to the parents, made presentations to show the learners and made presentations for the teachers and principal.
The principal of the school had stuff going on in her personal life with her boyfrined being unwell so I was told to just wait out but unfortunately I did not have enough initiative to follow through again. It is something I feel so guilty and bad about and I wish I could redo but I am still planning on implementing this initiative in schools in my area as it is something I am immensely passionate about, in preparation for this project I contacted construction companies who have agreed to work in collaboration with this project to use the Ecobriks to build things for our local community and I have been in contact with the Ecobrick organisation and have started receiving training to become an Ecobrick representative.
There is no doubt that the blame falls on me, I let my personal problems get in the way of my second TE block as I was going through a very difficult grieving period, I do wish that I had the strength to put those to the side and focus on my project and on my Teaching Experience but with my bad history with Mental Health Issues I found myself sinking into another depression instead of trying to process my grief.
Besides my personal problems I really enjoyed the research and the work I put into the project and have been excited to implement it properly. I am still in communication with the school about implementing it in the next school year but I know that is too late to change the circumstances now.
Saving the world by merely Saving up plastic is an absolutely incredible initiative and I hope that despite my shortcomings this year will still make a difference in our beautiful community.